Why Study at Chenaniah?

In the Old Testament days of King David, Chenaniah was in charge of the singing; he instructed in singing because he was skillful (1 Chron. 15:22;27). Similarly, the Chenaniah Summer Music Institute aims to equip music teachers with the skills needed to better teach singing and music literacy to those in the communities and churches where they labor. We offer all instruction through the lens of a Christian worldview. In this two-week intensive training session, participants will receive an education in singing-based music training emphasizing music literacy-driven pedagogy. 

This comprehensive approach to music education uses a sequential curriculum of games, folk music, and singing to inspire students of all ages to love music and develop musical literacy skills. The unique part of this course of study is its integration of Christianity with the Kodály and Suzuki methods. This pairing will entail classes that examine music and theology and how a biblical worldview can affect and permeate music teaching.

Music Literacy Approach

Learn distinctions for teaching students complete music literacy–reading, writing, singing/thinking in music.

Two Weeks Each Summer

The two-week course is designed for the working music teacher or church leader seeking further training in music. 

New Saint Andrews

Hosted by New Saint Andrews Conservatory of Music the middle two weeks of July each summer in Moscow, Idaho.

Music Connections

Come train with folks who are like-minded and also teaching in other classical and Christian music environments.


JULY 7-18, 2025

David Erb and Jarrod Richey founded the Chenaniah Summer Music Institute in 2017 with a vision to assist musicians and music educators in their abilities to train a generation of musicians in our schools and churches. The Chenaniah Summer Music Institute offers three tracks each summer: Kodály Music, String Pedagogy, and Advanced Conducting Tracks.




This Kodály certification is for those vocal, choir, and general music teachers who want to train students of all ages in music literacy. It is a three-summer certification.


This track is for those instrumental string teachers focused on music literacy but more instrumental than vocal/choral. This program mixes Kodály with Suzuki-inspired pedagogy.


This track is for conductors who want advanced instruction in their choral craft. Participants must audition and be accepted. A limited number of seats are available. This is a one-summer program of study with Dr. David Erb.


All tracks will have these elements components built into their coursework.


Learn how to sequential teach in the various methods from master teachers in Kodály, Suzuki, and Choral Conducting pedagogies.



Build upon your personal musicianship through sight-singing, dictation, memorization, solfege, and more in an effort to better equip the music educator. 



All participants sing in a course choir with rehearsals each day of the week. They also practice the fundamentals of choral and instrumental conducting.


Special Topics

A variety of classes are designed to help the classical and Christian educator better be equipped to teach. Past special topics have included: folk dancing, psalm-singing, & more.


  • Sunday, July 6, 2025 - ORIENTATION (6:30pm)
  • July 7–18, 2025 - COURSE (8am-5:30pm)
  • No classes on the weekend, July 12–13, but you will be busy with projects/homework.
  • Friday, July 18 - CLOSING CONCERT & CEREMONIES (7pm)

Participants begin arriving Saturday evening or Sunday afternoon for our Sunday evening orientation. Classes go from Monday, July 7, through Friday, July 18, 2025, with no official class meetings over the weekend. Students typically have individual/group projects and homework during the weekend. CSMI Kodály certification can be obtained upon the successful completion of all three levels of instruction over three summers.

Who Should Attend CSMI?

The course is designed for the musician/music educator or those further desiring training and equipping in teaching and advancing music literacy in their churches, schools, and communities. Ordinarily, participants should have collegiate-level music instruction from an undergraduate or graduate degree in music. 

Our Distinctives:

  • Learn musical pedagogies from an integrated biblical worldview with application and tailoring for Classical Christian school music, choir, and/or orchestra teachers.

  • Our highly accomplished staff has years of classroom experience, particularly in classical schools and churches.

  • Undergraduate credit, graduate credit, and non-credit options are available for those who need them. 

  • The chance to visit the beautiful Northwest in the Summer and enjoy the fabulous culture of Moscow, Idaho and take classes in the downtown campus of New Saint Andrews College.


David Erb

Choir & Conducting

Jarrod Richey

Levels 1, 2, & 3
(Course Administrator)

Sarah Davis

Pedagogy & Research
Level 1

Diane Engle

Pedagogy & Research
Level 2

Aaron Snell

Pedagogy & Research
Level 3
2025 Combined Choir
Kent Young

Kent Young

Conducting Levels 1, 2, & 3
Cole Tutino

Cole Tutino

String Pedagogy
Level 1 (Cello)

Melody Steinbart

String Pedagogy
Level 1 (Violin)

Tuition & Costs:

CSMI tuition is the same for all three tracks in the program. 

  • 2-week Course Tuition: $900.00 (does not include books, travel, or lodging)

  • Additionally, attendees will also need to purchase and have certain Textbooks/Materials for the class. Not all books used will be required each year and most books and materials will be used each subsequent summer. $250 is a general estimate of books, workbooks, and resource books that will be needed over the course. The New Saint Andrews College Bookstore offers most of the materials. Students can opt to purchase elsewhere if desirable, or some students have borrowed from others who have previously taken the course.

  • Any student wishing to transfer specifically into the Kodály Certification course from another similar course may be subject to the transfer credit and fees depending on the type of enrollment. Please inquire about this possibility.

Common Questions

What about Lodging/Housing Accommodations?

Chenaniah Summer Music Institute attendees are responsible to make their own lodging arrangements. However, CSMI is more than happy to point students to host homes and affordable short-term rental options (University of Idaho Dorms). In addition to this, CSMI offers several hospitality meals each week for students and faculty, providing opportunities for refreshment, fellowship, and encouragement.

Do you have to enroll for graduate credit to receive the certification?

Students can take the Kodály certification course in several scenarios:

  • Certification by itself not connected to any graduate or undergraduate degree at New Saint Andrews College or a similar school.
  • Certification as part of the New Saint Andrews Conservatory of Music Certificate program at the college.

Why 3 Summers to Complete Certification?

Each of the three summer courses builds upon previous courses, expanding the teacher’s musicianship by strengthening skills in sight-singing, conducting, and analysis. Additionally, each level develops a repertoire of grade-appropriate songs. Level 1 focuses on Kindergarten and First Grade concepts primarily; Level 2 on Second and Third Grade; Level 3 on Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Grades. After the three summers teachers will master the scope and sequence of the Kodály approach to implementing in their own classrooms.

Is Kodály for Choir, Band, and Orchestra Teachers?

Kodály’s vision for music education begins with the most basic human and universal instrument, the singing voice. From this basic skill and a repertoire of simple songs, children can easily master, comprehensive music education begins. For the teacher to see his students through to the end of this process, the teacher himself must be musically skillful and knowledgeable about musical concepts embedded in all kinds of children’s songs. The goal of teacher training is not merely a teaching method, but musical mastery. Thus as they grow in skill, elementary music teachers on up to high school ensemble directors, all benefit from the various tools the Kodály philosophy and approach offers.

Why Make the Commitment to CSMI if there are other similar courses closer to home?

CSMI offers pedagogy in Kodály, Suzuki, and choral conducting approaches to music education. It includes rigorous application and discussion into how to implement these principles and concepts in the Classical Christian school paradigm. Programming, Church Music Survey, Church Hymnody/Psalmody discussions, and more augment the core curriculum in an environment with other teachers in similar teaching situations in schools and homeschool co-ops from across the country.

Will any meals be provided?

Light breakfast is served every morning, and supper is provided for all participants each Monday and Wednesday. 

Is there anything the Sunday evening before classes begin?

There is a welcome dinner and orientation to kick things off Sunday at 6:00 pm.

Are there any evening events on the first Friday?

At 6:00 p.m. on the first Friday there is an optional pizza dinner and casual time of folk dancing.

Is there a lunch break, or is lunch provided?

Lunches are on your own. The daily lunch break is usually just long enough to grab something at one of the many restaurants nearby, but bringing your own lunch is a great option too. There is some limited refrigerator space in the building. 

Will the closing concert be streamed or recorded?

Yes and Yes. A livestream link will be made available to CSMI participants through the private Facebook page on the day of the concert. This link can then be shared with family and friends.

Do I need to rent a car?

Classes are within walking distance along Main Street. Moscow is small, so if you need to get to the store, a local student will likely be able to drive you there. If you can share a rental car with other students, that is helpful and convenient as well. 

Where should I park?

There is a small parking lot beside the North campus building where cars can be parked all day long free of charge. West A Street, just north of the campus, has additional parking spots without a time limit. Three-hour parking is available on the street directly outside the Conservatory building, but it is not a great option because they will ticket anyone who exceeds the time limit. If all of these options fill up, NSA has a parking lot at 505 S Jackson St, Moscow, ID 83843, a seven-minute walk from the North campus.

What about Lodging for the two weeks?

CSMI attendees are responsible for making their own lodging arrangements. We recommend sharing an Airbnb with other students, finding a local host family through the church email, or reserving a room at the University of Idaho dorms (approx. $30/night). If you’d like a list of specific housing options/contacts (hotels, homes, Airbnb, dorms, etc.), email music@nsa.edu

Which airport should I fly into? Can I get transportation to/from the airport?

Moscow-Pullman Regional Airport and Lewiston-Nez Perce County Regional Airport are close to Moscow. However, most students fly into Spokane International Airport (GEG) as the flight prices are generally cheaper. CSMI does not officially provide transportation. Usually, a few volunteers will make a carpool trip up to Spokane the Sat/Sun before and after the course. Students have also rented a car and shared the cost. 

How can I get in touch with other students to coordinate housing/transportation?

After you’ve registered for the course, email jrichey@nsa.edu and ask to be added to the private Facebook group. 

Watch the 2024 CSMI Concert


Still Have Other Questions About CSMI?